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Jay’s Ultimate Pre-Departure Guide

Writer's picture: JayJay

A master list of every question you should be asking yourself before you go abroad. Oh yeah.

Gypsy summer days are winding down and Liverpool is coming up!

As I enter my final weeks in the states, I’ve reached the peak frenzy to finish getting myself organized to live in a foreign country for 3 months. Despite school mandated GO classes and prep sessions, the tasks set before me to finish readying myself feels lengthy and confusing and as I always do I have procrastinated too long and am now stressed.

However, I thrive under pressure (and make a mean Pinterest board). And this is what brings us to Jay’s Ultimate Pre-Departure Guide, the roadmap for a savvy student’s study abroad (ideally to be completed sooner than 2 weeks before you go). It should be noted i have completed some items on the list, but mention them for you. So here we go!

Jay’s Ultimate Pre-Departure Guide

An overview of all the questions you should be asking yourself going abroad, from finances to phones and more.


Though we like to deny it, money makes the world go round. The reality is studying abroad is expensive and one needs to be realistic with their finances. Before you go abroad make sure you look into the following:

> Do you have/need a credit card? (this is also a good chance to start to build credit!)

> What’s your bank’s policy on international withdrawals?

> What scholarships might be available to you online or through your school(s)?

> How much do you hope to save before going abroad?

> What additional income might you have to account for?

> What expenses will you have oversees? Do you have a meal plan? Will you need to pay for transportation to your classes?

> How will you budget your money abroad?

> What will you want to splurge on? How can you account for that?

> What’s the money conversion in the country you’re going to?

> Do you want to get said currency from your bank to take on the trip? Take cash to the airport to convert your money there?


If you’re going abroad you need to make sure the school’s on the same page. BOTH schools, be on the lookout for emails from them regarding information about your studies.

> Has your home university approved your courses?

> Have you submitted your preferred courses to the abroad university?

> Have you applied or received information on your accommodations?

> What are the rules for your living space? (School’s may have a contract, host family’s likely won’t.)

> Are there any additional fees you need to pay?

> Is there an account you have to set up for your new school?

> Have you provided both universities with all the information they require?

> Do you have the required vaccinations? (And really, when was the last time you saw the dentist? Make some appointments.)

> Does the school provide student insurance or medical assistance?


Before you’re up in the air, you’re going to need to make sure a few things are in order to fly through the pre-departure process.

> Is your passport up to date?

> Will you need a Visa?

> When do they want you to arrive? Are there specific airports you should arrive into?

> Have you informed relevant parties of your flight information? (schools, parents, rides)

> Are there any fees you need to pay?

> How will you get from the airport to your new home?

> Do you have copies of all important documents? Passport? Acceptance letter? Etc..


Many travelers say the people make the place, and you’re never truly alone in a foreign country with a phone by your side. So make sure you know how to communicate with and contact people in case there’s an emergency.

> Do you know who to contact at the International school’s office? At your school’s office?

> How will you take your phone abroad? Foreign SIM? International plan?

> Do you have a reliable phone to take abroad?

> Do you have everything downloaded and logged into? Automatic photo backup through drive? New school email logged into?

> Have you allerted people that you will be abroad and have you given them a means to contact you?

> How will you communicate with family/friends? Do you need to show them how to use a video or regular calling app?

> Do they speak a foreign language there? Or have different slang? (Use a program like DuoLingo or do some research!)


Imagine packing your life into two(ish) suitcases. This section doesn’t tackle the nitty gritty of what to pack, but does inform you as to how to begin your packing to ensure you have the essentials taken care of.

> Do you have any medications you regularly take? Make sure you have all necessary medications (and even a copy of the prescription!)

> Do you have luggage suited for your trip?

> What are your flight’s luggage restrictions?

> What type of weather are you packing for? What’s the climate usually during the time you’d be studying in your country?

> What items will you need to pack? (make a list!)

> Are you bringing anything to make your new living space a bit more home-y?

> Are you leaving anything behind that will need to be taken care of? Pets? Plants?

> Do you have the necessary adapter? Will you be buying special appliances abroad (ex. hair dryer)?


A few final notes before you leave.

> If it’s an election season, do you need to submit for an absentee ballot?

> Do you know how to contact emergency services while you're there? (I need to call 999!)

> Do you want to set up a blog or social media account to share your travels?

> Or would you rather purchase a journal to record your adventures?

> Do you feel like you're in a good mental state before leaving? Should you talk with someone, or find solutions in mindfulness or meditation?

> Have you looker around the neighborhood you'll be staying? (Scope it out so it feels more familiar!)

> Have you taken the time to familiarize yourself with local customs? (This might come in handy while you're packing! Certain place expect different types of dress.)

> Is there any last people you wanted to see before leaving? Make the time!

Though all of this sounds (and can be) stressful, it’s manageable. Reach out to other students you know who went abroad for guidance and make sure to ask questions when you have them. I’m so excited to travel abroad and with just a few more questions on this list answered, I think I’ll be ready!

(It should be noted that I will be covering some of these topics deeper in other blog entries, I'll be updating this entry with the links by appropriate questions! I'll be sliding in some additional links too that may be useful to the future traveler)



© Jennifer Sauerman

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